Microfiction Day 119 – ‘Springtime’

“Ooh isn’t this weather lovely?”

“Have you been outside today?”

“It’s sunny! It’s actually sunny!”

God she loved spring. She loved how people chattered, buoyed by the change in weather, the season represented in their step when they dared to go outside without a jacket for the first time. She loved the way dogs would leap into rivers again to cool their sun warmed fur, the way the blossom on the trees would compete with the snowdrops in their painted glory.

She wanted to capture springtime in her hands, to hold it tight and breathe in its heady scents forever.


2 responses to “Microfiction Day 119 – ‘Springtime’”

  1. Justin avatar

    We all feel like this at the moment!

  2. May keep the jacket on for a week or so more but the above has raised the spirits.

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