Microfiction Day 70 – “The Opposite of Loneliness”

The night had been too much. She had been made to feel like a spoilsport when she wanted to go home rather than staying the night. She had slipped out when the partygoers were preoccupied with drinking port and playing charades.

“Are you seeing anyone?”

“Met anyone new recently?”

“Aren’t you lonely?”

That last one had really bothered her. She knew all too well how you could be in a relationship and still be lonely.

As she walked in the front door she broke into a grin.

“Hello gang.”

The three cats tumbled down the stairs to greet her.


3 responses to “Microfiction Day 70 – “The Opposite of Loneliness””

  1. Excellent

  2. Ann Thornton avatar
    Ann Thornton

    Cat ladies of the world unite ❤️

  3. As a cat parent this is how I feel every time I come home. I feel lonely when I am out without them.

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